Friday, November 6, 2009

Act 3, Group work =)

For our group, which is act 3 in Macbeth, we are going to pursue making a video to show the class, in our own interpretation. I am going to be the role of Banquo and the ghost of Banquo. Krista is playing the role of Lady Macbeth and the masked killer, Stephanie is Macbeth and Fleance and Ashley is the murderer of Banquo. Our group understands our act because we know what happens to Banquo and why and we are going to try to interpret this in modern society. Banquo dies because he's a threat to Macbeth because he suspected that Macbeth killed the king. And Macbeth wanted him killed so he hired two killers to murder him, and persuaded them to thinking that Banquo was a big threat to himself. After Banquo is killed at the feast, Macbeth starts to hallucinate and sees Banquos ghost, because of all the guilty things he has accomplished. He ends up having a melt down in front of all his guests and Lady Macbeth has no choice but to dismiss them. That's all for now! =)

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