Monday, December 7, 2009


You have a good point talking about power. Try and bring in some more specific evidence to back up what you are saying. Bring in a quote to back it up. You may also describe what he was like prior to being corrupted so we can see how he has change. You do have a solid understanding of what has happened to Macbeth. Good work.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Summative writing on my EQ

How far is one willing to go to get what they desire most?

Macbeth is willing to go very far in this third act. He wants to kill again! He is willing to kill his best friend Banquo because of the suspicions led by the witches. The three witches said that Banquo suspects that Macbeth is the murderer of King Duncan, and Macbeth cannot have that, so he seeks two servants to murder Banquo and his son Fleance just to keep his full power! Macbeth doesn't have to go this far, but he does it anyways. This connects with how does power corrupt because the power had corrupted him to do things he would have never done before his desire to be king, and desire to stay king. So in the end, Macbeth desires the thirst for power, and he was willing to kill again for it, even if he was risking a lot, like his best friend, and a risk to more people finding out he was the true murder!