Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Dear Mom =)
Right now I am learning about the play Macbeth written by William Shakespeare. This is very interesting because it deals with violence, and murder which is something I detest! However, this story happens to be exciting and intriguing to me. I understand that Lady Macbeth is evil and manipulative towards her husband Macbeth, and she is trying to persuade him to kill the king (Duncan) so that his third prophecy can come true that was first said by the three witches. His first two prophecies came true, so this third one which is becoming king should come true, but he wants it now! This is what makes him kill his king! I am also learning about 6 important words which are: Loyalty, Power, Integrity, Self Worth, Humanity, and Ambition! I have learned so much just about the words themselves, and also about how you can acheive these actions or how to lose them. Well, I better go now, so I will talk to you soon! =)

p.s. write me back as soon as possible!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Act 1 Scene 5.

The passage I chose was said by Lady Macbeth while she was talking to her husband Macbeth.

O, never
Shall sun that morrow see!
Your face, my thane, is as a book, where men
May read strange matters. To beguile the time,
Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye,
Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower,
But be the serpent under it. He that's coming
Must be provided for: and you shall put
This night's great business into my dispatch;
Which shall to all our nights and days to come
Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom.

This passage stood out to me because it caught my attention very quickly. It doesn't really connect to me fully, but I really seem to understand what it means. Lady Macbeth is saying how Macbeth's face is like a book, and I also have discovered that my own face is like an open book that tells others around me what I am thinking, or how I'm feeling. Furthermore, I like the words used in the text, and how evil she wants Macbeth to become. Especially how she wants him to be the innocent flower, but to be the serpent underneath. She is persuading her husband to do terrible things even though he doesn't want to do these things! Anyways, that's what stood out, and that's all for today! =)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lady Macbeth.

Lady Macbeth...

Between the Book&Movie

The differences that I saw in Macbeth between the movie and the book in scenes 1, 2, and 3 were that in the movie the opening scene was daytime without thunder and lightening where as the book said there was, also in the movie the witches were burying a dead hand holding onto a hand. It doesn’t say this is the book. Other than that, I couldn’t find that many differences. Maybe it’s because I find it difficult to read the book. So to me, watching the movie was much easier for me to understand the story line. Reading the actual book was much more challenging because the wording of it was different, and hard for me to understand what they were really saying. In my preference, I think I would go more for the movie, and that way I get to watch it and understand while looking at visuals to help my understanding.

Monday, October 19, 2009


What do I desire the most? Well...there are definitely many important things in my life that I love and will cherrish forever but to choose that one special thing, I just can't choose! But one of my disires is to have my 15 minutes of fame, actually I would like a bit longer than a short time period of only quarter of an hour! I think I would go pretty far for it too, like doing the craziest things just to get noticed. Or to try my hardest to become a singer, actress, or dancer! I wouldn't like to be famous forever, but I think that it would be totally awesome to be known in my country or even around the world! So yeah, I'd go pretty far, and I'd do pretty much anything for it! =)

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I see you have a an understanding of the general way the play is going to go. I am glad to hear that the visuals that you and your peers found have helped you in this prereading activity. It should be a fun process as we work as a class through Macbeth.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Understanding.

After doing this exercise, I now think that Macbeth is about tragedies, and killing. There's definitely a powerful king in play and he has the most power, even to kill. All of my peers have included many visuals to explain the themes of Macbeth, and that has definitely helped in the understanding of this play written by William Shakespeare.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Macbeth. What can I say about it? Well it's a very famous play, and most people have heard about it. I don't know a whole lot about it, but I do know that people along time ago weren't allowed to speak of the name "Macbeth". I also know that it was written by the famous legend William Shakespeare who has died. I had already learned about the play of Romeo and Juliet, and I found that play very interesting and dramatic. I also love the ballet of Romeo and Juliet. =) I absolutely adore the love story in it, but dislike how it ends in sadness of death. I would like to learn more about Macbeth, and hopefully be just as intrigued as I was for Romeo and Juliet!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I found the videos much more interesting becuase they caught my attention. They said something important, and instead of just listening to groups talk about their word, we got to experience it, and hear even more about it! You can get a lot out of someone else's opinion in a video, and i found that very helpul =)